home a-z courses
A-Z Courses
Here's a comprehensive list of the Classes, Workshops and One on One studies, both online and in-person, we have offered to date.
More are being added all the time. If you see anything you like that's not on our current classes list, let us know and we can tailor a class, workshop or tutorial just for you.
Advanced Darkroom: Take your darkroom technique further.
Alternative Darkroom: Explore creative possibilities of the darkroom. Learn innovative cameraless skills.
Beautiful Science: Art+Science=Amazing. Physics at its most photogenic.
Build Your Portfolio: Make your photographs speak to an audience.
Camerability: Master your camera's controls.
Cameraless Photography: Explore the creative possibilities of photography without a camera.
Chemigrams/Advanced Photograms: Make stunning, cameraless photographic prints without a darkroom.
Color Darkroom: Process and print from color film.
Color Film Dynamics: Push the boundaries of color film.
Crystalotypes/Advanced Crystalotypes: New approaches to the photographic beauty of crystals.
Cyanolumens: Experimental Combinations of Lumen Printing and Cyanotypes.
Cyanotypes: A fresh perspective on a venerable process.
Cymatics: The stunning harmonics of sound waves made visible.
Darkroom Alchemy: Transform your black & white film photography with very special darkroom techniques.
Darkroom Dynamics: Take your analog imagination to the limit with creative darkroom techniques.
Darkroom Foundation/Film Forever: The essential darkroom class for all levels.
Digital: From Product photography to landscape. We'll help you get the most out of your pixels.
Digital Liquid Photography: Shoot images of splashes, bubbles and waves frozen in a fraction of a moment.
Experimental Darkroom: Learn techniques of reticulation, film soup and extreme negative manipulation.
Ferrofluids/Magnetic Liquids: Combine magnetism and fluid interaction to create experimental, abstract photography.
Film Fundamentals: The photographic process, from shooting, to hand made black and white prints.
Film Soup: Make beautiful prints of surreal textures, beautiful patterns and wild effects.
Film Stories: Take a deep dive into the powerful, expressive medium of the black & white photo essay.
Infrared Photography: Shoot black & white infra red film and print the stunning, otherworldly results.
Into the Dark: Our flagship analog and darkroom workshop.
Landscape Photography: Realize your vision, from initial composition, through to expressive darkroom prints.
Large Format Photography: Bigger is better.
Lasergrams: Explore unique properties of low power, hand held lasers in this cameraless photography class.
Light Painting: Creative possibilities combining light, long exposure and movement.
Liquid Lumens: Cameraless photography combining the magic of Fluid Dynamics and Lumen Printing.
Lumen Printing: A fascinating, cameraless way to produce striking imagery from the simplest of materials.
Mordancage: A journey of discovery into an unseen world of emulsion lifts and uinique, atmospheric images.
Mural Printing: Supersize your black and white negatives with six feet wide prints.
Pet Photography: Take the full film and darkroom journey and making great prints of your BFF.
Photo Design: Apply the fundamentals of effective communication to your film photography.
Photograms/Advanced Photograms: New ways of combining shadows & reflections to create unique images.
Physiograms: Pendulums and gravity combine to make stunning geometric images.
Plastigrams: Reveal the hidden beauty of everyday plastics.
Point and Shoot: Portrait Photography: Work with professional lighting and models in a fully equipped studio. Refractographs: A universe of visual possibilities with this lensless digital technique. Sabatier Photography: Special darkroom techniques guaranteed to be unique and surreal. Still Life on Film: Master the techniques and methods of composing, lighting and shooting still life images. Street Photography: Urban film photography for all levels. Studio Lighting: Controlling professional lighting to get the results you want. Surreal Film: Reveal the uncanny in the ordinary in our new black and white experimental film class. Viscographs: Kinetic darkroom magic with oils and chemicals. Watergrams: Capture the harmony and kinetic beauty of moving water. Waves of Color: Fluid dynamics in all its visual intricacy and power.